![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() Welcome | ![]() Making Friends In Haiti |
![]() Confirmation | ![]() Summer Fun | ![]() | ![]() God's love is for all | ![]() Preschool VBS! | ![]() Small Group Time |
![]() Youth Ministry |

Thank you for taking the time to check out Epiphany! We know your time is valuable and your choices for how to spend your time are many! We hope this page gives you a few of the answers you are looking for. If not, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of the page to ask us whatever is on your mind.

9:00 Worship
At 9:00 we use a mix of liturgies and styles of music. Music is led by the organ or piano, and our adult and youth choirs add their talents almost weekly.
9:00 Rise & Shine! We call our Sunday morning education hour, Rise & Shine! and we offer terrific learning environments for every age/grade from 3 year olds through adults. (Currently meeting online)
Nursery- We offer a professionally staffed nursery during the 9:00 hour (Currently Not Staffed because of Covid 19 concerns)
11:00 Worship
Worship at Eleven is a service that breaks the mold. Our praise band leads us in worship songs featuring a bass, lead electric guitar, acoustic guitar, drums and keyboard. Words, images and videos are professionally displayed on the giant screens to help enhance the theme of the day and involve all of your senses in worship.
Nursery- We offer a professionally staffed nursery during the 11:00 hour (Currently Not Staffed because of Covid 19 concerns)
We offer communion at both services, every week! For us, communion is a place that ALL are welcome. You are welcome to come forward, no matter your background...but you are just as welcome to stay seated.

What should I wear? Great question. Well, at our 9:00 service, some people wear ties and suits and dresses. Others prefer jeans or dress-casual. At our 11:00 service you won't see many ties. It's very casual. So a better question is, what are you comfortable in? Wear that! You see, we are not at all hung up on a dress code.
Will I be able to find my way around? Absolutely. Our 4 large glass doors are very inviting. Right inside you will find greeters ready to welcome you and direct you around the building. The sanctuary will be straight ahead and with all the glass windows, you will see it immediately. Ushers will again welcome you, answer any questions you have and hand you a bulletin for worship.
Am I going to feel left out in worship? Epiphany is such an eclectic group. We have adults join us from so many faith backgrounds. Because of that, we work very hard not to assume you know anything about worship. At 9:00 we take it one step further and print everything out for you in our bulletin. Every prayer, every song and every response. At 11:00, well...we put everything on giant screens so no one can miss it. You won't be lost here.
Do I have to give money? At every service we have offering plates available as you enter or exit. We expect our members to give regularly. It helps prioritize our lives. When God is first, everything else gets put in the proper perspective. Plus, the Bible regularly talks about giving God a tithe (a tenth) out of appreciation for all that God has done for us. But if you are visiting with us, we don't expect a dime. Relax. Be our guest.
Where do I park? Anywhere! We have handicap parking spaces close to all the doors and special visitor parking spots up close as well. But you are welcome to park anywhere.
Is the building handicap accessible? Yes. Everything at Epiphany is on one level. Our bathrooms have large handicap stalls, the doorways are wide, and in worship you are welcome to find any place you are comfortable. We even have a ramp entrance you can drive up to and drop off someone right by our doors and under our Portico. Simple!
How big is Epiphany? Some people want to know if a church is big enough so they won't stick out as a "new" face. Others want to know if a church is small enough so they can get to know people well. At Epiphany we welcome over 400 people each Sunday. So you won't stick out. We have new faces in worship every week. So how do you meet people? With so many small groups, classes, ministry teams and with 2 different service times you are sure to make friends fast.

Epiphany Lutheran Church
268 Hill Road North
Pickerington, Ohio 43147