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A Place To Reflect

Epiphany Memorial Garden and Columbarium

This year-round garden is designed to be a setting of tranquility and peace for anyone wanting to connect with God.  Located just steps outside our worship space, this area is a natural extension of our worship of a risen Jesus and his promise that in him we will find life everlasting.  Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one or simply need to be reminded of God's never ending love for you, we invite you into this place apart as you pray, reflect and remember.

A Place

Set Apart

The Garden

We love baptisms at Epiphany!  We love our Little Lights choir, our confirmation programs, our youth ministry and family ministry settings.  We love exploring faith with adults and worshiping as a community together.  But ministry means being with families in every stage of life.

The Bible begins in a garden.  It is the setting for the first encounter with God, a perfect place built for God and God's children.  The Bible ends with the image of the Tree of Life and a river flowing, a place of peace and rest in God's presence.  And in the middle of the Bible, after he rose from the dead, we have this neat scene where Mary meets the resurrected Jesus but doesn't recognize him.  She thinks he is the gardener!

Is it any wonder that many of us have found strength and encouragement in this Memorial Garden?  This is more than just a place to grieve and remember.  It is a place to connect with God.  It is a place to let Jesus work on us and tend to us.  And it is a place that reminds us of the future God has for us. 

Are you in need of a place like that?  Please stop by any time.  There is a side walk leading directly from our parking lot into the Garden and you are welcome to visit any time.  If we can be of assistance, please call or email the office.

Memorial Garden

Many families are looking for a beautiful location to sprinkle the ashes of a loved one.  They want a place that reminds them of the promises of God and a place they can come to as they remember and grieve.  Our Memorial Garden is meant to be that place for members and non-members of Epiphany. 

If you are interested in learning more about this ministry including the fee, opportunities for an engraved plaque in honor of a loved one or an engraved brick at the garden entrance please contact our office today.


Part of our garden includes a marble columbarium where members of Epiphany can purchase a niche.  This setting has become an inviting place for family members to visit and encourages a connection to the people of God at Epiphany throughout the generations.

If you want to learn more about this ministry, we stand ready to walk with you through the entire process.  Contact us today.

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