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Daily Devotions
For all of God's Children

Parents, Guardians, & Significant Adults are the number one greatest influence on the faith of a child.  

As we do life and faith in new ways as we physically distance to keep one another as safe and healthy as possible, we offer a daily devotion for you and your child to root yourselves in Christ.  

Some are fun, some are silly, some involve movies, some involve food - All involve the love of a God who is present and with you on every step of the journey. 

March 16th is also known as John 3:16 day.  Take a look at this well known verse through a little trivia devotion.  

Click the date button to get to the devotion.  

Being in a time and space that we don't have all the answers to, we feel a little lost in the woods.  Who better to journey with but friends like Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf?  Let's travel into the unknown with them! 

Click the Frozen 2 Movie Devotion button.  


Join us in the kitchen for a creative challenge!

Sometimes we need our hearts to be made new so we can have the strength to forgive.  

Click the button below to find out more!

Each Thursday, throw it back with us Dance Party style to a VBS from years' past.  This week, we're going back to ROAR 2019. 


Click the date to boogie with us!

Jesus teaches his disciples to love one another.  This devotion on the story, A Sick Day for Amos McGee, by Philip C. Stead, is a beautiful example of how to love each person or creature for who they are.  

Click the date to find out more.  

Let's Play Memory! 

Where do you feel linked to God's story?  What do you do to get re-membered, reconnected to God's love? 

Click the date for some active ways to take part in God's Story.  

Talking to God can be daunting and intimidating.  Use bubbles to voice your prayers and let them carry to God! 

Click the date to learn the Blow Your Troubles Away Bubble Prayer. 

It's  Snack Time!

Use food to help teach and tell the story of Noah and the Ark. 

Click on the date for full details! 

Make All Things New

An Up-Cycle Crayon Devotion

Click on the date to get the full scoop!

Is your child named after someone in your family?  

Are you named after someone famous?

What does your name mean? 

Dig deeper into names today - click on the date to find out more!

It's time for another Throwback Thursday Dance Party!  


This week - Shipwrecked - VBS 2018.  

Click on the date to learn a little &  jam to the tunes.  

Use each finger on one hand to help you say a prayer to God.  

Follow the picture and click on the date for full instructions.  

Let's Eat!!

God has created so many amazing and wonderful foods!  What's your favorite?  What are some of the things people in the Bible ate?

Click the date to dig in more!

Stained glass windows are a familiar sight at many churches on Sunday morning.  It's hard to not see them when we worship.  But, we can make them on our sidewalks and driveways.  

Click the date to find out how to make your own Stained Glass Chalk Art.  

Who do you know in your community?  In your neighborhood?

What jobs do each of these people do?  How do they help?  

Take a look at the people who make our communities great, how they help, and say a special prayer for all of them.  

Click on the date to spend some time with God and the special people in your neighborhood.  

Do you have a pet? 

What about a favorite stuffed animal?  

How do we take care of these creatures that are so precious to us? 

Take a look by clicking the date.  

Begin the epic saga of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermonie Granger.  Connect the novel and the movie with faith!

Click on the Movie Bible Study button to begin the adventure.

It's VBS Throwback Thursday!

Today, we kick it back to the summer of 2016 for Cave Quest.  Jesus is our Light in the darkness, guiding our way.  

Click the date to see the whole devotion.  

The things we say and do to others can sometimes hurt their feelings.  

Forgiveness gives us the chance to repair the damage.  

Get out your Jenga game and play along with this interactive Jenga Devotion.  

Click on the date to take you the full devotion.  

Let's Get Ready for a Parade!!

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday.  We will be celebrating with a parade just for Jesus!

Make a palm branch so you can be ready!  

Click the date for the full story! 


Let's Have a Parade TODAY!!

Yesterday we prepped for a parade, now it's time for the real deal!  

Find some items to have in your parade and click the date below to hold your own parade and hear about a parade that featured Jesus as the STAR!

Merry Christmas!!


The journey from Palm Sunday to Easter has an even earlier beginning...with a baby, in a stable; true love come down from heaven.  Enjoy this look at favorite holidays & start the Easter Selfie Challenge!!

Click the date for the devotion.  Click the Easter Selfie button to start your family challenge! 

What all do you do with water?  

What have you used water for today?  

We are connected to Jesus through water.  Jesus was baptized.  We are baptized.  

Click on the date to find out more from today's devotion.

Click on the Selfie Challenge to find Clue #2!

Who is/was your favorite teacher? 

Everyone has had a teacher that has somehow made a difference in their life.  

Teachers do amazing and incredible things.  

Today, take a look at teachers you have had, how they've taught you, and what you have learned.  

Dig into how Jesus was a teacher and where he taught.  Where would he teach today? 

Click on the date for the devotion and the Selfie Scavenger Hunt to get Clue #3! 

Have you ever had your feet washed? 

Have you ever washed the feet of someone else? 

What would you do if Jesus offered to wash your feet? 

Jesus served others his whole life - his actions on this night were extra special.  

Find out more by clicking the Maundy Thursday button.  

Symbols help us tell stories.  

They hold deep meaning for us.  

Take a deeper look as we do Good Friday together.  

Clidk the date for more information.  

What does Spring smell like?  

What does happiness smell like?  

What does God smell like? 

Spices are a special part of Jesus' story.  Smells connect us to special moments and memories for us.  

Take a closer look by clicking on the date.  

Happy Easter!!

Today is the day when something being empty is the BEST news ever!!

Grab an empty plastic egg to add to your Easter egg hunt and click on the date to find out more!  

Does the end of a story or a movie leave you wanting more?  

Jesus' story didn't end with his death, or his resurrection. 


Easter burst forth a new beginning with amazing opportunities for sharing God's unconditional love.


Today, watch a movie and find some connections between the story of Jesus and P.T. Barnum.   


Click on the Greatest Showman Movie Devotion button to find out more.  

Sometimes the outside packaging, decoration, or wrappers on something are so beautiful, we don;t want it to get messed up at all.  

But, what's on the outside isn't the only gift.  

Check out this devotion on eggs - both hard-boiled and chocolate!  Click on the date for more.  

Super tall golden gods.  

Furnaces at seven times their normal heat.  

Staying faithful to God.  

Today's devotion is full of excitement and tasty way to enjoy the story. 


Click on the date to find out more!  

People danced in the bible when they were happy. 

People danced in the bible when they were excited. 

When do you dance?  Check out the devotion by clicking on the date.  And be sure to share your favorite dance Jams with us by clicking Join the party!

What gets the MOST of your attention?


Is it God?  


Click on the date to use Playdoh and look at the things that get between us and God.    

April 17th

Have you ever eaten a prayer?  

This interactive and tasty way to pray can be done solo or with a group!  

Perfect for snack or dessert time - join us for a Jelly Bean Prayer!  

Click on the date for written directions or click on the video to walk through the steps with our Minister of Youth.  

You can link two paperclips together using a dollar bill!  

No, really, you can!  

Doubt that it can happen?  That's okay.  Thomas in the story today doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead.  

Do this cool trick and learn about a really awesome disciple.  Click the date for the devotion and the video to help with the trick.  

Does being at the top of a tower give you all the power you want?  

Build towers, tumble towers, enjoy a great Dr. Seuss story, and connect with the Gospel of Matthew.  

Click on the date for the full devotion.  Use the video link to view the story of Yertle the Turtle.  

Dear 2020 Graduating Seniors, 


This was not the end of Senior year you had dreamed of.  It's not the year anyone could have thought would come.  Our hearts break for you.  

We know you will rise from this and do amazing things.  As you do, know that you are loved with wild abandon by your community and a God who lets no boundaries get between love and God's people.  

We are so proud of you.  We love you.  

Grandparents are so special.

They add fun and spice and love to our lives.

Today, we look at who our grandparents are and say a prayer just for them!

Click on the date for today's devotion.

The world around us usually talks in "me" phrases.  Living in humility takes us looking at things in "you" phrases.  

Humility turns this upside down, kind of like playing OPPOSITE SIMON SAYS.  

Watch the video clip of the Rescue Bots playing Simon Says, then click on the date to play your own game of Simon Says to see how it all connects to humility.  

Today in history, the personal computer was introduced.

Technology has become such a common staple in our lives, we have devices almost everywhere we go.  

Look at all the things around us that God has created.  What things help you see the beauty God has made?  

Click the date to dig a little deeper! 

Grab some pots and pans.  Get ready to make some music...or at least some joyful noise!  

Click the date to follow today's devotion!

When the disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, someone joined them.  They didn't know who it was and couldn't believe he hadn't heard about Jesus' resurrection.  

Do you know your own house or yard, even with your eyes closed? 


Try out this interactive devotion by clicking on today's date! 

Have you ever prayed for your team to win?  What would you do if angels were assigned to help them find victory?


This movie devotion is perfect for a lighthearted family movie night that points to faith, believing in yourself and others, and the power of love.  

Click on the date for the full devotion. 

The video below is just one scene from this fabulous film.  

Have you ever made a mixtape?  Do you know what a mixtape even is?  If you don't ask your parents.  

Okay, if you created a Spotify station of ONLY your favorite songs, what would be on it?  

Have you ever heard a song brand new to you that you add into your mix (or onto your station)?  

Humans have used music to learn about and talk to God for thousands of years. 


Take a look at this connection by clicking on the date.  Click on the music notes to check out a song that might be new to you!


Most people love athletics of some form or sport.  Not everyone loves football or golf or bowling, but most of us seem to have a sport that catches our attention.  

Athletes, while working toward a particular game or event, are usually in their sport for a long journey.  A journey they continue to work toward.  

What if we looked at faith as a sport?  Would we "workout" more?  Would we take on a new exercise?  

Today, we look at faith from a sports perspective with the help of Michael Jordan and Joe Burrow.  Click on the date for more.  

Have you ever shaken a plastic Easter egg and tried to guess what is inside?  

The reveal of the treat or treasure within an egg is often the biggest excitement and surprise!  

Follow along with this interactive egg reveal devotion that goes with the Walk to Emmaus story.  

Click on the date for full info! 

What Brings You Joy?

Kids LOVE jumping in puddles?  What is it about puddles that is so much fun?  And why do kids always smile when they jump in a puddle?  

Today is all about JOY!

Click on the date for more about this, and check out the video for a little Peppa Pig inspiration! 

It's LEG DAY!!

Weighlifters often focus on one muscle group at a time when they lift.  We are following their lead to give thanks to God for legs and all legs help us to day!  

Click on the date to do LEG DAY!!

Good Shepherd Sunday 

Making Bubble Sheep

What You Need: 

Empty plastic bottles

Clean socks

Liquid bubble solution

Step 1: Cut the bottom out of the plastic bottle.  

Step 2: Take the sock and put it on the bottle.  Pull the sock tight over the cut end of the bottle.  

Step 3: Pour some bubbles in a bowl or dish.  Dip the sock end of your bottle in the bubble solution.  

Step 4: Blow through the mouthpiece end of the waterbottle.  Fluffy "sheep" bubbles will form and fly off! 

Click Below for the Full Devotion


Happy Star Wars Day!!

The Jedi salutation, "May the Force Be with You," is well known by Star Wars fans around the globe.  

The apostle Paul used a similar goodbye in his letters to the early believers.  

How do we say goodbye or share the peace with others?  

Check out the comparisons in today's devotion.  Also, check out this EPIC peace video from worship this past Sunday! 

Learning about cultures, customs, holidays, and foods different than our own can be scary.  

Jesus can be our guide to help bridge the gap between what we know and what is new.  We just need to share love.  

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Happy Taco Tuesday!  

Learn about a new holiday, try a new food, and share the love of God with one another!  

Have you ever set out to do something, and then found that you can't quite do it?  

Have you ever gotten discouraged in the middle of a project?  

Meet Mr. Fish who is on a quest to help Ms. Clam.  He gets in a bind by himeself, but learns the gift of a team who together can make anything happen!  

Click on the date for the full devotion and a link to the story if you don't have it at home.  

It's Throwback Thursday!!

Vacation Bible School Dance Party Style!!

We're going back to 2012 when we shared Sky VBS together in the summer.  

Sky featured the theme of "Anything is Possible with God!"  

Today, we dance together and celebrate how we can do trust that God is with us always, making all things possible.  

Click on today's date to get links to all the music videos!  

Today, we wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Coca-Cola!!  

Coke commercials have often talked about Coca-Cola being the "real thing."  

What's the real thing when it comes to faith?  Jesus! 

Find out more in this trivia devotion by clicking the date.  

Teachers help us learn.  

Nurses help keep us healthy and safe.  

Today we honor them in our devotion.  Click on the date to check it out! 

Moms, you amaze us everyday.  Thank you for all you do and how you show us God's love!  Today is for you.  


Click on "Happy Mother's Day" below for more.  

What helps you when you are worried?  

How to you let worries go?  How do you gain peace?   

Learn about Guatemalan Trouble Dolls and how Jesus encourages us to give our troubles over to him to find peace.  

Then make a Worry Rock (or Peace Stone) of your own!  Click the date for all the information!

Today, an ancient prayer practice meets a hands on experience to do a divine reading known as Lectio Divina.

Lectio Divina is about the process and seeing what speaks or what sticks out to you.  It will be different for each person! 

Grab your playdoh and a Bible, then click the date to enjoy this way to pray!

Do you pray before you eat?  

Do you have a favorite table prayer?  

Get a sneak peek into one of the FUSION Youth's Wednesday night PAUSE Meal Prayer Collection prayers and talk about your own favorite and well known prayers.  

Click on the date for all the details! 

This season of COVID-19 has been hard.  Some days we do whatever it takes just to get us through.  Some days we wonder what can help us get through this tough time.  

Your Power Pulls Us Through will be the theme song for our 2021 Preschool VBS, Rocky Railway.  It reminds us of Jesus' power to be with us and help us through anything! 

Dance to the video and click on the date for more.  

For Christmas & birthdays we often make wish lists.  

But have you ever make a Thanks List? 

In this season when we may feel like we are missing a lot, instead of being bummed about what we are missing, we can give thanks for all we've had the chance to do.  

Click on the date to find out more!

We all fight and argue with someone sometime.

Even Jesus's friends fought!

But Jesus taught them and Jesus teaches us how important it is to say "I'm sorry" and to forgive one another.  

Take a closer look by clicking on the date.

There are some Biblical concepts (a fancy word for big Bible ideas or words) that are hard to define and understand.  

Stories and movies can help us understand these tough concepts and